Equipment Corner- OctoPrint configuration
- Nekoliko stvari koje treba razjasniti
- Dizanje Chromebooka u način za programere
- Pronalaženje spremljene lozinke za Wi-Fi
| tr '!-~' 'P-~!-O'. Replace the wish the code that you get as the passphrase.
That's all, you will have the Wi-Fi password on the screen. Conclusion I understand that the process is a bit too techy, but you can bookmark this page or save the commands to your favored notes app. When you need it, you can always refer back and even copy and paste the entire commands. In case of any doubts, please drop in your queries in our forum.
Prije nekoliko dana posjetio sam kafić i kao i uvijek pitao sam baristu za lozinku za Wi-Fi. Ali reakcija koju sam dobio bila je nešto što nikad nisam očekivao. Sada obično na računu dobivam zaporku za Wi-Fi za unaprijed plaćene narudžbe koje sam stavio u svoj Chromebook da započnem. Topla kava s nekim napisom, tako idu sljedećih nekoliko sati.
Tog dana barista je prišao mom stolu i zamolio me da pogledam u drugom smjeru (to me i razljutilo) dok je upisivao lozinku. Bio sam kao, " što je mislio da ću učiniti s njegovom lozinkom za Wi-Fi? Prodati ga na eBayu. Ako je tako nesiguran, trebao bi ga mijenjati svakodnevno, a ne pitati kupce da gledaju u drugom smjeru."
U svakom slučaju, brzo sam završio kavu i prije odlaska otišao sam do tipa i predao mu račun s lozinkom za Wi-Fi o kojoj je bio tako posesivan. Bio je iznenađen, ali volio sam pogled na njegovom licu.
Prilično je lukavo pronaći lozinku za Wi-Fi povezane mreže na Chromebooku, ali kao što vidite, to može biti korisno ponekad. Pogledajmo kako sam to učinio.
Pročitajte i: Kako pronaći spremljenu lozinku za Wi-Fi na Windows 10, Android i iOS.
Nekoliko stvari koje treba razjasniti
Trik će djelovati samo ako je na Chromebooku omogućen način za razvojne programere. Dobar dio je ako već nije u načinu za programere, pokazat ćemo vam kako to učiniti. Ali ako to omogućite, moći ćete oprati Chromebook što znači da će biti izbrisani svi vaši profili, spremljene datoteke, pa čak i lozinka za Wi-Fi.
Dakle, to znači da ćete moći dobiti lozinke za Wi-Fi mreže na koju se povežete tek nakon što Chromebook prebacite u način za razvojne programere.
Dizanje Chromebooka u način za programere
Za početak morat ćete pritisnuti gumb Esc, Refresh i Power na Chromebooku. Kada ove gumbe pritisnete zajedno, pokrenut će se u načinu oporavka i dobit ćete poruku poput nedostaje OS Chrome i umetnite stick za oporavak da biste ga vratili. Ovdje ne treba brinuti, Chrome OS je tamo gdje treba biti i morat ćete pritisnuti tipku Ctrl + D da biste omogućili način za programere.
Posljednja prilika! Ako želite nastaviti, pritisnite enter.
Pronalaženje spremljene lozinke za Wi-Fi
Sada kada je vaš Chromebook u Dev modu, možete dobiti lozinku bilo koje Wi-Fi mreže na koju se povežete. Za početak se povežite s Wi-Fi mrežom za koju želite probiti lozinku, a zatim pritisnite Ctrl + Alt + T na tipkovnici Chromebooka. Ovo će otvoriti Crosh školjku.
Nakon što vidite zaslon s crnom školjkom, upišite sljedeće kodove:
Ovdje ćete dobiti popis mape s dugačkim nizom. Samo upišite CD i karticu, a zatim pritisnite enter. Bit ćete preusmjereni u imenik. Na primjer
Za kraj upišite naredbu "more shill / shill.profile" i pritisnite enter. Vidjet ćete liniju tekstova s Wi-Fi podacima mreža na koje ste se povezali do danas.
Pronađite Wi-Fi SSID za koji želite dobiti lozinku i uočite redak na kojem piše "Passphrase = rot47:", a potom neki slučajni tekst. Pa, ovo je lozinka za Wi-Fi, ali je šifrirana. Za dešifriranje upišite naredbu odjek
That's all, you will have the Wi-Fi password on the screen. Conclusion I understand that the process is a bit too techy, but you can bookmark this page or save the commands to your favored notes app. When you need it, you can always refer back and even copy and paste the entire commands. In case of any doubts, please drop in your queries in our forum.
That's all, you will have the Wi-Fi password on the screen. Conclusion I understand that the process is a bit too techy, but you can bookmark this page or save the commands to your favored notes app. When you need it, you can always refer back and even copy and paste the entire commands. In case of any doubts, please drop in your queries in our forum.
| tr '!-~' 'P-~!-O'. Replace the
wish the code that you get as the passphrase.
| tr '!-~' 'P-~!-O'. Replace the
wish the code that you get as the passphrase.
That's all, you will have the Wi-Fi password on the screen. Conclusion I understand that the process is a bit too techy, but you can bookmark this page or save the commands to your favored notes app. When you need it, you can always refer back and even copy and paste the entire commands. In case of any doubts, please drop in your queries in our forum.
| tr '!-~' 'P-~!-O'. Replace the wish the code that you get as the passphrase.
That's all, you will have the Wi-Fi password on the screen. Conclusion I understand that the process is a bit too techy, but you can bookmark this page or save the commands to your favored notes app. When you need it, you can always refer back and even copy and paste the entire commands. In case of any doubts, please drop in your queries in our forum.
| tr '!-~' 'P-~!-O'. Replace the wish the code that you get as the passphrase.
| tr '!-~' 'P-~!-O'. Replace the wish the code that you get as the passphrase.
That's all, you will have the Wi-Fi password on the screen. Conclusion I understand that the process is a bit too techy, but you can bookmark this page or save the commands to your favored notes app. When you need it, you can always refer back and even copy and paste the entire commands. In case of any doubts, please drop in your queries in our forum.
| tr '!-~' 'P-~!-O'. Replace the wish the code that you get as the passphrase.
That's all, you will have the Wi-Fi password on the screen. Conclusion I understand that the process is a bit too techy, but you can bookmark this page or save the commands to your favored notes app. When you need it, you can always refer back and even copy and paste the entire commands. In case of any doubts, please drop in your queries in our forum.
That's all, you will have the Wi-Fi password on the screen. Conclusion I understand that the process is a bit too techy, but you can bookmark this page or save the commands to your favored notes app. When you need it, you can always refer back and even copy and paste the entire commands. In case of any doubts, please drop in your queries in our forum.
| tr '!-~' 'P-~!-O'. Replace the wish the code that you get as the passphrase.
| tr '!-~' 'P-~!-O'. Replace the wish the code that you get as the passphrase.
That's all, you will have the Wi-Fi password on the screen. Conclusion I understand that the process is a bit too techy, but you can bookmark this page or save the commands to your favored notes app. When you need it, you can always refer back and even copy and paste the entire commands. In case of any doubts, please drop in your queries in our forum.
Zamjena lozinke i kako su ukradene lozinke za prijavu
Zamjena lozinke zajednički je strateški napad na krađe identiteta koji provode cyber-kriminalci kako bi ukrali vaše podatke za prijavu. Provjerite kako možete spriječiti spoofing lozinkom.
Kako pronaći spremljene lozinke u firefoxu i chromu
Saznajte kako pronaći spremljene lozinke u Firefoxu i Chromu.
Kako pregledati spremljene lozinke za wi-fi na androidu i ios-u
Evo kako pregledati spremljene Wi-Fi lozinke na Android i iOS (iPhone i iPad) uređajima.